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The man with the awesome smile

I had convinced my self in my mid teens that I didn’t require getting married, it wasn’t for me, I was fine on my own! that’s just what I told myself out of fear of rejection, betrayal and/or hurt. I wanted a husband, I wanted to be loved but who would possibly love me?

I had this fairytale view on love, Snow White, Cinderella, Aeriel, Jasmine, Aurora and Prince Charming. These princesses, young women were let down, they were betrayed, treated badly, tricked, bullied and as beautiful as they were made to look in the books/movies I‘m sure they didn’t feel so beautiful on the inside.

It wasn’t all love and romance and happiness, they faced many trials on there quest for love.

My trial was to accept that I could be loved, that I was loveable as I was, I didn’t need to change for anyone. On my journey to accepting those things I took many wrong turns and made bad decisions that led to other peoples feelings being hurt but when I let Jesus in, when I accepted His love for me things began to change.

A friend decided it would be good fun to put my details on a dating website, I wasn’t very impressed when I found out and I was all set to hit delete when a particular smile caught my attention.

I never thought it was possible to connect with someone as quickly as I connected to this man with the awesome smile. Within 5 days of our first online conversation he was on his way up to North Wales for our first face to face meeting. A year later we were engaged, a year later we got married and in September 2021 we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary.

We have faced trail after trail from financial struggles, to I’ll health (I have rickets, he has spina bifida) and infertility, yet through all that we have known the hand of God, the love of God, the faithfulness of God at work in our lives. We have served alongside each other in church for 9 years and last year God blessed us with our beautiful son through the process of adoption.

My life changed completely the second my man with the awesome smile wheeled in to it, like me he knows what it is to feel like a Smurf in a land of Giants, to be looked at as disabled when you are perfectly able and to be treated differently. But he doesn’t let any of that stop him from being caring, loving and generous to everyone he meets and he doesn’t allow his condition to hold him back from living his life. God knew what he was doing in bringing us together, he placed someone in my life who would help me to strive for better things and believe that my dreams that had been trampled over by so many other people could be reality, I hope I’ve done and do the same for him.

Is the man with the awesome smile my Prince Charming?

He’s my best friend, he can make me laugh in a way no one else can, he can push my buttons in a way no else can, he understands me, cares for me, wants the very best for me as I do him. He encourages me to step out of my comfort zone, he believes in me and my abilities more than I do myself. God brought us together, for that I am so thankful but this man with the awesome smile is not my Prince Charming, I say that because he isn’t the one that saved me just like I’m not the one who saved him, he isn’t the who put breath in my lungs, who pulled me out of the pit of despair, who opened my eyes to see that I didn’t need to change for anyone.

That was the love of Jesus!

I/we are penned in love and so are you!



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