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Do you need a prompt to share your story?

One Sunday I was handed the following…

The following day I found myself in a coffee shop; I took a seat and the lady sat beside me, very quickly asked if I’d hold her dog - a beautiful three month old Pug, so she could use the facilities.

I’m a dog lover so I said yes and the little pup snuggled right in.

When the owner returned she went on drinking her coffee and seemed very relaxed with me continuing to hold the gorgeous pup. I sat there with my book, ‘Poems in the Waiting‘, on the table and my iPad in front of me. The lady soon asked if she could have a look at the book; to which I said yes, and it led to us having a conversation about Jesus and how He helps us in our times of need. She had not long lost her mother and that morning had been to say goodbye to her childhood home for the last time. To find the way to speak of the joy and the hope we can have in Jesus was highly important. I felt very pressured to get it right; I was running on three hours broken sleep and feeling very unprepared. I was very happy to have my book on hand, it was definitely a prompt from God that I’d put it on the table as I don’t usually do that. She said ‘You mention the word hope a lot, why?’

I replied, ‘In our wait to meet our son, all I had was hope; hope in Jesus and who He is, hope in knowing that He has nothing but good for me, hope in knowing that as I held on to Him, the darkness that surrounded me would become light.’

After half an hour of talking, answering questions about my book and retelling my story, the lady went on her way with her pug.

The next day After dropping my son off at preschool I found myself sat in another coffee shop, I pulled my ipad and note book out. The

Prompt card fell out of my notebook and led me to pull my book out once again. So I put it on the table in front of me.

Once again, I didn’t feel great about sharing with a stranger so I placed my notebook on top of ‘Poems in the Waiting‘.

Another lady was sat next to me reading a book and to me she looked like she was very much in a world of her own. ‘Ah this is lush, she’s reading, I’m typing, this is a really nice vibe.’

I moved my notebook every now and again, to write something in it, and in those moments she had obviously noticed my book.

She tapped me on shoulder; a hint for me to remove my ear phones (yes I’m one of those 😂) and she asked if she could read the poetry book I had out, the cover had really caught her attention.

Once again I handed my book over, my story, into the hand of a stranger knowing questions would come my way. I must say, it’s far easier just mailing the book to people!

I noticed she wrote the information off the back of the book into her notebook and the title to; she then asked who the author was, she smiled so brightly when I said it was me, again conversations started to flow. We spoke about faith in times of hardship and strife, we shared about grief and how every type of loss in life brings an element of grief with it.

This wonderful lady, after our long and in-depth convertsion handed me £10 saying ‘Send this to Home For Good!’ the charity for which my book is raising funds. Our time together ended with me taking the address of this lovely lady so I could send her a copy of my book, along with some extra goodies.

I felt totally unprepared for these conversations; on the Monday I was running on three hours broken sleep, on Tuesday I was very much still feeling the affects of the lack of sleep mixed with a late night. I wanted to stay in my little bubble, listening to music with my head down and typing away.

God had other plans, He knew those women needed someone to talk and He choose me to be His vessel. He gave me the words to speak, the ears to listen and the heart to understand; even though I felt like a walking zombie on those days!

When we move, fully relying on Him, amazing moments come our way!

Remember I am Penned in Love and so are you!



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